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Product Name | Manufacturer | Date (YYMMDD)
7110-501 Sealmastic Foundation Coating | W. R. Meadows of Western Canada | 180718
ABS 55Y (Solvent Cement) | Sluyter Company Ltd. | 150507
Acetylene | Linde Canada Inc | 210101
AFL ALNOX Electrical Joint Compound | AFL Telecommunications LLC | 170616
Afrox – Oxygen | African Oxygen Ltd. | 170301
Air Quality – Nitrogen NOAL 0089A DK EN | Air Liquide| 180716
AL-J-001-0 | Air Liquide Canada Inc. | 171209
Aquarise one-step yellow lovoc can | IPS Corporation | 170101
Aquarise primer clear lovoc can | IPS Corporation | 170101
Aquarise two step yellow lovoc can | IPS Corporation | 170101
Arc Welding | ESAB Group Canada | 140501
Backer Rod Soft SR38C | CRL US Aluminum | 140915
Bakor Blueskin Primer | Henry Company Canada Inc | 060501
Bon Ami Power Foam Glass Cleaner | S.C. Johnson and Son Ltd | 170524
Burmesh | Tremco Incorporated | 190304
CAFCO BLAZE-SHIELD II | Cafco Industries Inc. | 150518
CertainTeed Finishing Products | CertainTeed Gypsum Inc. | 161115
CF-1 XTW Spray Foam Sealant | Hilti | 180301
CGC Sheetrock Brand All Purpose Lite Drywall Compound | CGC Inc | 160317
CGC Sheetrock Brand Gypsum Panels | CGC Inc | 160407
CGC Sheetrock Brand Setting-Type Joint Compound | CGC Inc | 201123
Chemours – Freon 134a Refrigerant | The Chemours Canada Company | 180206
Chemours – Freon 404A Refrigerant | The Chemours Canada Company | 171109
Chemours – Freon 409A refrigerant | The Chemours Canada Company | 171120
Chemours – Freon 410A Refrigerant | The Chemours Canada Company | 201109
CRL Heavy-Bodied Mirror Mastic | C.R. Laurence Co. | 150626
DLX LMaster Egg WH 59311 | PPG Architectural Coatings Canada Inc | 131024
DOWSIL 7.32 RTV Adhesive Sealant | DOW Chemical Canada ULC | 210217
DTM Wash Primer | Sherwin Williams | 210414
Ductmate – Gecko Glue | Ductmate Industries Inc. | 180914
Ductmate – Quickstick | Ductmate Industries Inc. | 180516
DuctMate – Stickytape | Ductmate Industries Inc. | 171114
Dulux Diamond Interior 100% Acrylic Paint 13210 | Dulux | 111101
Dupont – Accent 75 DF Herbicide | E. I. Dupont Canada Company | 170227
Dura Pure 50-50 | AIM | 161201
DuroDyne – Degalvinizer & Lubricating Spray | Duro Dyne Stripper | 170118
DX-Cartridge Clean-Tec | Hilti | 120326
Dyn-O-Rail Sheet Metal | Dyn-Air
E-4550 Natural Gas Canada | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-4559 Acetylene | Praxair Canada Inc | 160804
E-4576 Carbon Monoxide | Praxair Canada Inc | 16015
E-4594 Ethyl Acetylene | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-4631 Nitrogen | Praxair Canada Inc | 160803
E-4632 Nitric Oxide | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-4633 Nitrogen Dioxide | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-4636 Nitrous Oxide | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-4637 Oxygen Liquid | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-4638 Oxygen | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-4646 Propane | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6220 Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Oxidzing Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6221 Flammable Gas Carbon Dioxide Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6222 Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6224 Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6225 Air Carbon Dioxide Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6229 Flammable Gas Carbon Monoxide Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6232 Flammable Gases Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6781 Nitric Oxide Inert Gas Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6782 Inert GasNitric Oxide Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6783 Nitrous Oxide Inert Gas Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6784 Inert Gas Nitrous Oxide Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
E-6785 Nitrogen Dioxide-Inert Gas Mixture | Praxair Canada Inc | 161015
ECTR-BR TDS Epoxy Broadcast System | CTM Adhesives
Elastocol Stick | Soprema Inc. | 201115
ENVIROseal | Ductmate Ind | 180920
EVERSeal | Ductmate Ind | 200811
Excalibur-7018-Electrodes | The Lincoln Electric Company | 161130
Fantastik All Purpose Cleaner | Johnson Diversey | 20090122
Fibreglass Building Insulation | Johns Manville | 190823
FIller Metal – Shielded Metal Arc Welding | Hobart Brothers | 181029
Firestop Block | Hilti Canada | 210101
Firestop Plug | Hilti Canada | 210101
Flexible-Resin | Multiurethanes Ltd. | 170526
Foster 40-80 | H.B. Fuller Construction Products Inc. | 190516
FRANK GLASS CLEANER | KIK International LLC | 150519
Fusion Clear PVC Cement | Oatey Co. | 161118
Gasoline, Unleaded | Petro-Canada | 170420
Glass Mineral Wool with ECOSE Technology | Knauf Insulation | 150430
GLD Ultra Flat WH 94500 | PPG Architectural Coatings Canada Inc | 20131024
Goo Gone Pro-Power and Adhesive Remover | Goo Gone | 170823
GREAT STUFF Fireblock Insulating Foam Sealant | 33103045 Nova Scotia Company | 201215
Grip-Tack No. 6408 Clear| Fiberlock Technologies | 160901
Gypsum Core Board Products | CertainTeed Gypsum Inc. | 140508
Hilti Firestop Acrylic Sealant CFS-S ACR CP 606 | Hilti (Canada) Corp. | 150306
Infinity Broadloom & Modular Carpet | Mannington infinity | 111017
Ipex 636 clr pr lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
Ipex 636 org lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
Ipex 636 pur pr lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
Ipex 636 tran lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
IPEX SYS 15-XFR GRY | IPEX Inc | 141101
IPEX SYS 15-XFR GRY One Step HVY Low VOC Cement for PVC Plastic Pipe | IPEX Inc. | 170101
IPEX SYS 15-XFR GRY One Step MED Low VOC Cement for PVC Plastic Pipe | IPEX Inc. | 170101
IPEX SYS 15-XFR GRY Two Step HVY Low VOC Cement for PVC Plastic Pipe | IPEX Inc. | 170101
Ipex sys 15 xfr one step gry med lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
IPEX SYS 15-XFR PUR Low VOC Primer for PVC and CPVC Plastic Pipe | IPEX Inc. | 170101
Ipex sys 15 xfr pur lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
Ipex sys 15 xfr two step gry dwv lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
Ipex sys 636 gry lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170101
Ipex sys 636 heavy body lovoc | IPS Corporation | 170901
Johnsonite925 | Johnsonite | 140819
Krylon ColorMaster with Covermax Technology Paint + Primer | Krylon Products Group | 210413 English
Laticrete R85 Filler Powder Floor Grout & Joint Filler | MYK Laticrete India PVT LTD | 171031
Laticrete R Polymer Fortified Wall Grouts | MYK Laticrete India PVT LTD | 171031
LePage PL Premium 100% Polyurethane Construction Adhesive | Henkel Canada | 180122
LePage PL Premium Adhesive | Henkel Corporation | 210208
Lysol Disinfecting Spray | Reckitt Benckiser (Canada) Inc | 170110
LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes (all sizes, all scents) | Reckitt Benckiser (Canada) Inc | 180515
Masonry Cement | CRH Canada Group Inc. | 160225
Masters All Condition Soldering Paste | Oatey | 210405
MASTERS CUTTING OIL 1 | G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. | 170530
MASTERS EPOXY PUTTY | G.F. Thompson Co. | 170530
MASTERS GRIT CLOTH | G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. | 170530
Masters Hand Cleaner | G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. | 150930
Masters Leak Detector | G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. | 150930
MASTERS-METALLIC-COMPOUND | G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. | 170503
MASTERS-NON-METALLIC | G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. | 170530
Masters Orange T-Tape | G.F. Thomson Co. Ltd. | 150930
MASTERS PRO-DOPE | G.F. Thompson Co. Ltd. | 170530
Mild Steel Electrodes 6010-6011-6013MSDS | Harris Products Group | 140924
Mobil 1 – EW 30 | Imperial Oil Downstream | 170222
National Fire Easyflex- Submittal Package | National Fire Equipment | 170825
Nubrite – Coil Cleaner | Nu-Calgon | 180704
Nuflex 302 GP Silicone Sealant – Colours | NUCO Inc | 170426
Oatey Great White Pipe Joint Compound | Oatey Co | 180410
Polyroof LV | Tremco Incorporated | 160412
Portland Cement | CRH Canada Group Inc. | 160219
Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive Sealant | DAP Products Inc | 190207
Pro Industrial Acrylic Glass | Sherwin Williams | 210125
Pump-Cleaner | Multiurethanes | 170526
PVC S40 Solvent Cement – Clear | Sluyter Company Ltd | 180313
R22 Chlorodifluoromethane | National Refrigerants Inc. | 180401
R507 – Pentafluorothane | National Refrigerants Inc | 180401
Regular Gasoline (With Ethanol) | Irving Oil Refining G. P. | 170123
Resin Bond Abrasives for Building Materials | United Abrasives | 170202
Resin Bond Abrasives for Metals | United Abrasives | 170215
Resisto Exterior Primer | Soprema Inc | 180430
Robson’s PVC Glue | Robson Thermal Mfg. Ltd. | 170101
Rust-oleum Spray Paint | Rust-Oleum Corporation | 170509
SamaN Ultimate Disinfectant | SamaN | 20200325
Shield Bright – 308L – 2020 | ESAB Welding & Cutting Products | 170106
Silicone Sealant | C. R. Laurence Co | 200901
Sopra-ISO | Soprema Canada | 190124
Sopralene | Soprema Canada | 190215
Sopra-XPS | Soprema Inc | 180630
Tech-data-Sheet-Type-N-Canada | Maxi-Mix Inc | 150201
Tech-data-Sheet-Type-S-Canada | Maxi-Mix Inc | 150201
Thrace Linq GTF-200 | Thrace-Linq | 120901
TRA Sheeting | Tremco Incorporated | 150729
Tremclad | Rust-Oleum | 20090609
VR TremDrain 40FD | Tremco Inc | 170101
Trem-Lar LRM 200-V | Tremco Incorporated | 180721
Trem-Lar LRM-H | Tremco Incorporated | 181130
TRMCLD 2X946ML Rust Primer Grey | Rust-Oleum Consumer Brands Canada (RCBC) | 180314
Tyco Escutcheon Two Piece TFP770 | Johnson Controls | 180801
Tyco Royal Flush II Sprinkler Head | Tyco Fire Protection | 180901
Tyco TY-FRB Upright Pendant TFP172 | Johnson Controls | 140201
Universal-Accelerator | Multiurethanes | 170523
Universal-Resin | Multiurethanes | 170529
Urea 46-0-0 Granular Ag Grade | Nutrien | 180613
Venture Aluminum Foil Tape 1520CW | 3M | 210422
WELD-ON 719 Clear Low VOC PVC Plastic Pipe Cements | IPS Corporation | 131001