M.J. Dixon Construction believes that strong relationships with our clients and consultants are built through responsive and communicative interaction throughout the life of each project.

Major Clients
- Air Canada
- Algonquin Health Services
- Baxter Publications
- Baycrest Center for Geriatric Care
- Staples Business Depot
- Campbell Soup
- Defence Construction Canada
- Department of National Defence
- Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
- Durham Region
- Exhibition Place
- General Foods
- George Brown College of Applied Arts and Technology
- GO Transit
- Graywood Developments
- Greater Toronto Airports Authority
- Hakim Optical
- Homewood Health Centre
- Humber College of Applied Arts
- Huntsville District Memorial Hospital
- Enersource Hydro Mississauga
- Ivanhoe Inc.
- Lakeridge Health
- Makagon Industries
- Metro Housing
- Ministry of Natural Resources
- Mountain Equipment Co-op
- Municipality of Clarington
- Muskoka Algonquin Healthcare
- Ontario Shores Health Centre for Mental Health Sciences
- Ontario Parks
- Ontario Realty Corporation
- Pacific Linen
- Panasonic
- Peel District School Board
- Peel Regional Police
- Public Works Canada
- Real Star Management
- Region of Peel
- Region of Waterloo
- Ryerson University
- Shaw Industries
- South Bruce Grey Health Centre
- South Muskoka Memorial Hospital
- St Joseph’s Health Centre Toronto
- Stock School Bus
- The City of Burlington
- The City of Brampton
- The City of Brantford
- The City of Hamilton
- The City of Kitchener
- The City of Peterborough
- The City of Pickering
- The City of Toronto – Economic Development & Finance
- The City of Toronto – Facilities & Real Estate
- The City of Toronto – Parks, Forestry & Recreation
- The City of Toronto – Works & Emergency Services
- The City of Guelph
- The Corporation of the City of Barrie
- The Corporation of the City of Mississauga
- The Durham Region Roman Catholic School Board
- The Town of Ajax
- The Town of Milton
- The Town of Newmarket
- The Town of Richmond Hill
- The UPS Store Canada
- Toronto District School Board
- Toronto Humane Society
- Toronto Public Library
- Toronto Transit Commission
- Town of Caledon
- Town of Collingwood
- Trent University
- University of Guelph
- University of Toronto
- University of Western Ontario
- University of Windsor
- Victoria Woods
- Women’s College Health Research
- York Community Services
- York Condominiums
- A.M. Ingleson Architect
- Adamson Associates
- Allen & Sheriff Architects Inc.
- Architects Tillmann Ruth Robinson
- Architecture Counsel Inc.
- Architecture 49
- Asen Vitko Architects
- Barry Bryan Associates
- Berns Farrow Architects
- Bill Lobb Architect
- Carruthers Shaw and Partners Limited Architects
- Colburne & Kembel Architects Inc.
- Diamond and Schmitt Architects
- Domus Architects
- Fleisher Ridout Partnership Inc.
- G architects
- G&G Partnership
- George D. Wilson Architects
- Gerald P. Belanger Architects
- G.M. Diemert Architect Inc
- Goldsmith Borgal & Company Ltd.
- Gow Hastings Architects Inc.
- Henry Swinkels Architect
- IBI Group
- Jurecka and Associates
- Karp Namisniak Yamamoto Architects Inc.
- KBH Interior Design Inc.
- Kearns Mancini Architects Inc.
- KiiA Architecture Inc.
- Kleinfeldt Mychajlowycz Architects Inc.
- Kohn Shnier Architects
- Lett Architects Inc.
- Levitt Goodman Architects
- LP Meyer & Associates (Windsor) Ltd.
- MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects
- Makrimichalos Cugini Architects
- Malcolm & Boyko Architects
- MHPM/Colliers Project Managers
- Mitchell-Pound-Braddock
- Montgomery Sisam Architects Inc.
- Murphy Hilgers Architects Inc.
- Nassy Bilkovski Architect Inc.
- NEW Architecture
- NGA Architects
- O.P.McCarthy & Associates Inc.
- Paul Didur Architect Inc.
- Paul Quiterio Architect
- Perkins + Will
- Petroff Architects
- Phillip H. Carter Architects
- Raj Mangat Architect Inc.
- Rebanks Pepper Littlewood
- RHL Architects Ltd.
- Rice Brydone Limited
- Richard Williams, Richard Fenner Architect Inc.
- Rick Wink Architect Inc.
- Ronald Awde Architect
- Rounthwaite Dick & Hadley Architects
- Saccoccio Weppler Architects Inc.
- Sievenpiper Associates Inc.
- Shore Tilbe Irwin & Partners
- ssG Architecture Inc.
- Stone Kohn McQuire Vogt Architects
- Stantec
- Stantec / Murphy Hilgers Architects Joint Venture
- Strasman Architects Inc
- Taylor Smyth architects
- Teeple Architects
- Thomas Brown Architects Inc.
- Trevor P. Graywood – Jones Architect Inc.
- unit a architecture inc.
- Urbana Architects Corporation
- Venerino V.P. Panici Architect Inc.
- +VG Architects – The Ventin Group ltd
- Vlad German Architect
- Walter Fedy Partnership
- Ward99 Architects
- WGD Wong Gregersen Dabrus Architects
- Workshop Architecture
- Acres International Limited
- Advanced Environmental Corp.
- Anrep Krieg Desilets Gravelle Ltd.
- Banerjee Anderson & Associates
- Blackwell Structural Engineers
- Carruthers & Wallace Limited
- Caspen Engineering Ltd.
- CBM Group
- CC Parker Consultants Ltd.
- Chorley + Bisset Consulting Engineers
- Coffey a Tetra Tech Company
- Crossey Engineering Ltd.
- Day & Behn Engineering Inc.
- DeCaria Engineering Ltd.
- DEI & Associates
- DG Biddle Associates Limited
- Durham Energy Specialist Limited
- Egberts Engineering Limited
- Enso Systems
- Engineering Link
- Fancom Connects Ltd.
- Frank Anrep & Associates
- GM BluePlan Engineering Limited (Gamsby and Mannerow Limited)
- Golder Associates
- Gregg & Edens Limited
- Halcrow Yolles / CH2M
- Hallex Engineering Ltd.
- Hammershlag & Joffe Inc.
- Hastings & Aziz Ltd.
- HH Angus & Associates
- The HIDI Group
- IRC Building Sciences Group
- Jain & Associates Inc.
- John Frederick Consultants
- John Towle Associates Limited
- J.R. Jones Engineering Limited
- Keen Engineering
- Ken Lewis Group
- Kirkland Engineering Ltd
- Landplan
- Leipciger Kaminker Mitelman & Partners Inc.
- Leonard Kalishenko and Associates Limited
- McCormick Rankin Corporation
- McGregor Allsop Consulting Engineers
- Byrne & Associates
- MacViro Consultants Inc.
- Manuel Jordao & Associates Ltd.
- MBTW Group
- MTE Consultants Inc.
- Mulvey + Banani International Inc.
- NA Engineering Associates, Inc.
- Novadyne Ltd
- Ojdrovic Engineering Inc.
- Consultants Orval
- OTS Engineering
- Paul Dacunha Architect Inc.
- Philips Engineering
- Pitura Husson Limied
- Quinn Dressel Associates
- Rand Engineering Corporation
- Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
- Robert E. Brown & Associates Ltd.
- RoMar Engineeing
- RV Anderson Associates Limited
- Rybka, Smith & Ginsler Ltd.
- Seymour Levine Consulting Engineers
- Smith + Andersen
- SNC Lavalin
- Stantec
- Stephenson Engineering Ltd.
- Strybos Associates Ltd.
- Valcoustics Canada Ltd.
- VanBoxmeer & Stranges Ltd.
- Vanderwesten Rutherford Mantecon
- Veenhoven & Associates
- Venerino Panici Architect Inc. (now Whiteline Architects Inc.)
- Venneri Consulting Engineers
- Wendy Sheares Landscape Architect Limited
- WSP / MMM / Enermodal Engineering Limited
- WSP / Halsall & Associates Ltd.
- Jacobs (formerly CH2M / Yolles Partnership)