The following documents are a mandatory requirement from each subcontractor and any of its sub-subcontractors.

Section A: Subcontractor’s Documents Upon Award
Documents required upon award of contract:
A2. Certificate of Insurance naming M.J. Dixon Construction Limited as additional insured for a minimum of $5,000,000
A3. Valid Worker’s Compensation Certificate of Clearance WSIB
A6. Declaration of Competent Supervision (one declared supervisor/foreman for each contractor regardless of crew size)
A7. Safety Data Sheets (SDS – pertinent only, no generic binders accepted)
These documents are to be emailed in pdf format to Please submit each item as individual separate pdf files.
Whenever expired documents are renewed and updated, it is the subcontractor’s responsibility to ensure that updated documents are submitted to to replace expired documents.
Failure to provide these documents in a timely manner may result in being denied entry to the work site.